Acne medication over the counter or creams

« ...The causes of plugged pores that end in acne are unknown to doctors and scientists. They try to explain through theories that combine a blend of factors like genetics, hormonal change and stress. Initially acnes were blamed to the diet but today, though not proven; stress and hormonal change are the most suspected causes. Most people get the acne, mostly on face, at puberty due to hormonal changes that occur in the body....
...If Helen of Troys face could launch a thousand ships, I reckon she probably has beautiful radiant skin. No one would consider a person, man and woman alike, stunning if their facial skin is blemished with acne. Ashtons life could have been entirely different if Demi Moores face is blemished with zits and acne. Demi, even at 46 still has a beautiful facial skin which makes her look younger than her age. Skin is definitely a huge factor in judging a persons beauty. ...»
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«...Natural acne treatment also involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Exercising and consuming plenty of clean water also helps in earlier cure, since water can detoxify the body. A good sleep lasting for about eight hours is essential as it can regulate the hormonal system of the body; this results in lesser release of androgenic hormones, which is one of the main causes of acne....»
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tags: neutrogena acne defense lotion, over the counter acne spot treatment, exposed acne skin care